Ynsect Opens First Mealworm Farm In The Us And Enters Local Premium Chicken Feed Market After Jord Joined Its Production Platform.
PARIS, March 29Jord Producers [https://www.jordproducers.com/ ], Nebraska-based, has been incorporated into Ynsect’s production portfolio, signifying the global leader’s entry into North American mealworm production. The move comes off the back of Ynsect’s [http://www.ynsect.com/en ] introduction to the US market in November 2021.
With the world’s largest vertical insect farm in France, Ynsect transforms Buffalo and Molitor mealworms into premium, high-value, sustainable ingredients to feed animals, fish, plants and humans. Having raised more than $500 million, Ynsect exports its products worldwide.
The addition of Jord Producers reflects Ynsect’s expansion into the US market and their entry into the backyard chicken feed market. During the pandemic, the backyard chicken market saw significant growth in America. By 2026, the US market is predicted to reach approximately $400M according by a recent study by Arthur D. Little.
Over the last two years, the number of Americans rearing chickens has increased to around 26 million. Emerton studies showed that 82% of US backyard chicken owners prefer mealworms versus other insects. Recent trials conducted by Ynsect have shown increased performance on egg size. Antoine Hubert, CEO and Co-Founder of Ynsect commented, “We’re very excited to continue establishing our presence in the US, which is a priority market for Ynsect as we expand globally. As an impact company, sustainability and support for the environment is at the top of our agenda. We were obviously very impressed with Cheryl’s entrepreneurial skills. She co-founded Jord within the best agricultural region in the US, allowing easy, local access to raw materials. It was therefore an obvious choice for us.”
Mealworms like those produced at Jord offer significant benefits to livestock and pets alike as they contain all the amino acids a chicken needs for optimal development: very high protein content (72% protein), highly digestible, hypoallergenic and the potential to decrease skin diseases.
Cheryl Powers, CEO of Jord Producers, added: “Having built Jord Producers from scratch with co-founders Kris Vrooman and Amber Klassen, becoming experts in raising and distributing live and whole dried larvae to the backyard chicken market, Jord Producers is delighted to join the Ynsect family. We’re confident that move will help us take the production of high-quality mealworms to the next level.”
With the incorporation of Jord Producers, Ynsect’s production portfolio grows to three vertical farms and one hatchery. This will eventually allow Ynsect to increase volumes of mealworm larvae production and, will also help pave the way into further entries into the petfood market, with ingredients like protein meal and oil expected to be approved for production in the near future in North America.
By using Ynsect’s ingredients instead of other types of protein for pet food, manufacturers benefit from using 98% less land and 45% fewer resources. Furthermore, Ynsect utilizes a circular-economy model through its new vertical farms to create value chains, fully aligned with the Paris COP21 Agreements +1.5°C scenario, and the EU Fit for 55 target.
Ynsect – Anais Maury: anais.maury@ynsect.com / +33 (0)6 78 44 59 80
Sopexa – Rana Barbari: rbarbari@hopscotch.eu / + 353 15569720
SOURCE: Ynsect