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Exploring “Yellow River Tower” – A Landmark Building at Yellow River Delta

Yellow River Tower in Binzhou

On September 20, the team of "Trip of Media to Silk Road and Yellow River" visited the Yellow River Tower in Binzhou, Shandong, according to News Office of Binzhou Municipal Government. The tower is located in the Puhu Lake Scenic Area of Binzhou. It is a tower-style building that combines sightseeing tourism, an exhibition of Yellow River culture, and the exhibition and sale of calligraphy and painting artworks. It is a landmark architecture of Binzhou and even the Yellow River Delta.

As visitors enter the Yellow River Scenic Area, people can experience the unique Yellow River Culture of Binzhou from multiple perspectives, as well as the city's story of being built and thriving by the water. Climbing up the Yellow River Tower, people can admire the spectacular view of the Yellow River and the magnificent landscape of the urban area, with the river to the south and the city to the north.

The design of the exhibition hall in the tower revolves around the Yellow River Culture of Binzhou, with the theme of "A Pearl of the Yellow River and a City of Wisdom and Intelligence". It incorporates various forms of interaction and high-tech exhibits that combine sound, light, and electricity. Each floor of the tower is dedicated to a different theme, showcasing the history, geography, culture, and folk customs of the Yellow River Basin in Binzhou through rich and intricate displays, interactive experiences, and simulations.

Source: News Office of Binzhou Municipal Government