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Immersive concert at Bamboo Slips Museum in Shandong rings in New Year

LINYI, China

The People’s Government of Linyi

LINYI, China, Jan. 24, 2024 /Xinhua-AsiaNet/–

An immersive concert was recently held at the Yinqueshan Han Tomb and Bamboo Slips Museum in Linyi, Shandong, which offers the audience a unique experience blending cultural relics and music.

Co-hosted by Linyi Grand Theater and Shanghai Chinese Orchestra, the concert was designed to take the audience on a journey through Chinese culture with the delightful sounds of musical instruments. The fusion of cultural relics and music brought renewed life to traditional Chinese culture.

The concert featured a variety of music, including the Pipa music “Ambush From Ten Sides,” which recreated a scene from ancient wars, and the Erhu solo “Towards Brightness,” which showcased a traditional Chinese march. The music of “Battle Steeds Galloping” brought to life the image of generals and soldiers fighting bravely on horseback, while the bamboo flute solo “A Journey in the Spring” reflected the history of the CPC in the past century. The ensemble “Dance of the Golden Snake” added a festive touch, highlighting the warmth and enthusiasm of the occasion.

In addition to the concert, the museum also organized public lectures, allowing the audience to explore the Yinqueshan Han Tombs, appreciate the bamboo slips, and learn about “The Art of War,” a renowned work by ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu. The historical sites and national treasures provided an enriching experience that transcended time and space.

Visitors to the museum also had the opportunity to view priceless cultural relics, such as the rap clay figurines, which have been passed down for over 2,000 years, and the Western Han Dynasty dancing clay figurines, dressed in long-sleeve gowns, dancing gracefully. The colored silk paintings in the No. 9 Tomb of Yinqueshan featured musicians and dancers playing the flute and zither, singing and dancing. These precious cultural relics together reflect the rich and uninterrupted history of Chinese folk music culture.

During the event, the artists explained the development and evolution history of traditional musical instruments such as bamboo flute, Pipa and Erhu in detail. The audience received active interaction from the performers, who were enjoying the elegant art, while learning knowledge about musical instruments, such as the origin, spread and evolution of the name of Pipa, the earliest musical instrument of China – a bone flute 8,000 years ago, and Erhu dating back to Tang Dynasty.

The event was a successful attempt by the museum to promote cultural innovation and development. The blending of cultural relics, military science and national music has refreshed traditional Chinese culture and created an exciting crossover interaction.

It was a wonderful opportunity for visitors to immerse themselves in traditional Chinese culture while enjoying the delightful sounds of musical instruments. “We’ve been edified by the culture and art at the museum. We hope that more activities can be launched in the future for us to experience the profoundness of Chinese culture,” said a delighted audience member.

Source: The People’s Government of Linyi