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Lidu Song Style Banquet Goes Global to Promote Traditional Aesthetics and Accelerate World Heritage Inscription


KYOTO, May 30, 2024 /Xinhua-AsiaNet/–

On May 27, Lidu Baijiu held a Song style banquet in Kyoto, Japan. Guests experienced the aesthetics of Chinese baijiu and savored the unique “one sip, four aromas” from ancient Chinese liquor cellars.

In late April last year, Lidu, along with leading baijiu companies including Luzhou Laojiao, Moutai, Wuliangye, Gujing, Fenjiu, and Yanghe, formed the “Seven Representatives of Chinese Baijiu” to jointly apply for World Cultural Heritage status. The Lidu Song Style Banquet in Kyoto, held across the sea, is not only a grand feast of Song Dynasty aesthetics carefully prepared by Guobao (literally means National Treasure) Lidu but also a significant opportunity for exchange and mutual learning between Chinese and Japanese liquor industries.

“This time, we brought the Lidu Gaoliang 1308 – Wan Li Tiao Yi, which utilizes pure hand-made ancient brewing techniques passed down through 42 generations since the Northern Song Dynasty (960-1127). It contains 167 OTUs (archaea from ancient times) from cellars since Yuan Dynasty,” said Tang Xiangyang, Vice President of Zhenjiu Lidu Group and General Manager of Guobao Lidu.

The organizer hopes to bring the thousand-year-old Song-style aesthetics to the international stage through this event, and contribute Lidu’s strength to boosting international cultural exchange and mutual learning in the liquor industry, supporting the “Seven Representatives of Chinese Baijiu” in their World Heritage nomination, and letting the fragrance of world cultural heritage spread globally.

Source: Lidu Baijiu