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National vocational skills competition to open in north China’s Tianjin


The second Vocational Skills Competition of the People's Republic of China will be held from September 16 to 19 in north China's port city of Tianjin Municipality.

The competition seeks to encourage more professionals to sharpen their skills to contribute to the country's development. It has 62 contests to select candidates for the world vocational skills competition and 47 localized contests, with more than 4,000 applicants, according to the organizing committee.

The 109 contests cover six major fields, including transportation and logistics, structure and building technology, manufacturing and engineering technology, information and communication technology, creative art and fashion, and social and personal services. They will be held in the National Convention & Exhibition Center (Tianjin) and three other venues.

The competition has added 20 competitions for new professions and digital technology skills, such as artificial intelligence training, virtual reality engineering technology, blockchain application operation and other items.

As a role model for the innovation and development of vocational education in the new era, Tianjin has been strengthening the development of skilled personnel and improving the skill level of workers in a bid to stabilize employment, increase employee income, and promote economic transformation and upgrading.

With the positioning as an advanced manufacturing R&D base, Tianjin has stepped up efforts in the development of a modern industrial system made up by sectors of intelligent technology, biomedicine, new energy, new materials, aerospace, equipment manufacturing, petrochemical industry and automobile. A project to cultivate local talents have been implemented with constant supportive policies to nurture skilled personnel.

Tianjin now is home to 2.73 million skilled personnel, including 840,000 highly skilled personnel, accounting for 30.8 percent of the total.

Among them, seven people have claimed national honors for professional skills, and 226 people are national-level professional personnel. Forty people have gained the top talent titles in Tianjin, and 657 people are recognized as local masters in specific skills. In addition, 67 excellent professionals enjoy the special allowance for talents given by the country's State Council.

Source: The Organizing Committee of the Second Vocational Skills Competition