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Rushan of Shandong: Opening a New Chapter in Idyllic Pastoral with “Integration of Agriculture and Tourism”


In recent years, by leveraging its pristine ecological environment, unique agricultural resources, and picturesque rural elements, Rushan has pursued the integrated development of modern agriculture and rural tourism through avenues such as integrating production areas and scenic spots, promoting fair and exchange activities, and diversifying its product offerings, paving the way for rural revitalization through the strategy of "promoting tourism with agriculture and developing agriculture with tourism."

Rushan has been active in promoting the upgrade of rural and cultural tourist attractions, guiding towns and villages to enrich the forms of cultural tourism, perfecting supporting services, and optimizing the development of resources. It has focused on the development of a number of unique tourist villages such as Xiashipeng Village and Dujiadao Village, building 11 rural tourism sightseeing platforms and five rural tourism self-drive stations, and constructing more than 180 pocket parks and leisure blocks. It has also released a wide variety of suburban-rural tourism products such as idyllic scenery tourism, travel in ancient villages and towns, and special agriculture tourism, which attracts more than one million tourists each year to pursue their dream in the countryside.

To expedite the transformation of "visitor flows" into "economic flows," Rushan has tailored its strategies to local conditions and trends. It has revitalized rural festivals and tourism brands, and bolstered the development of rural tourism products. The city has orchestrated 15 series of festive activities, including the Peach Blossom Festival, Pear Blossom Festival, and Century Bazaar. These events have driven and boosted consumption through various means, such as culturally enriching performances, agricultural product exhibitions and sales, and intangible cultural heritage bazaars.

Moving forward, Rushan will persist in cultivating numerous rural tourism destinations with splendid ecology and quality living standards. It will host a variety of high-caliber cultural tourism activities, establish a selection of premium tourist routes, and further advance the development of suburban excursions. Moreover, the city will diversify the range of rural tourism products, effectively empowering villagers to increase their income and achieve prosperity.

Source: The News Office of Rushan Municipal People's Government

Source: The News Office of Rushan Municipal People's Government