State Grid Gansu Electric Power Successfully Achieved First Case in China of Non-Outage Protection Modification for 110kV Lines in High-Altitude Areas
LANZHOU, ChinaLANZHOU, China, Nov. 8, 2024 / Xinhua-AsiaNet / —
Recently in 110kV Luqu substation, Luqu County, Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, with safeguarding and monitoring devices, which were built for 110kV 1111 Luqu-Maqu power line, being officially put into operation, marking the successful completion of non-outage integrated automation modification by both sides of lines. This is the first case, not only in domestic high-altitude areas, but also for State Grid Corporation, of non-outage integrated automation modification for 110kV lines.

State Grid Gansu Electric Power successfully achieved first case in China of non-outage protection modification for 110kV lines in high-altitude areas.
State Grid Gansu Electric Power Company and Nari Group Corporation have been actively exploring and putting new technologies and working methods into practice. Together they have developed a new equipment, which is called “110kV Portable Integrated Non-Outage Modification Platform”, and have adopted the Rapid Internal Replacing Technology during engineering.
The whole modification was completed without any power outage nor any awareness of local electricity customers. It strengthened the reliability of safeguarding equipment on 110kV 1111 Luqu-Maqu power line, effectively boosted the capability and stability of regional power grid, and solved the dilemma between modification and outage from the source. It accomplished a thorough clean-up of the substation’s potential dangers, a renewal of old and obsolete equipment, and unawareness of customers, ensured civil power supply for high-altitude and severe cold areas such as Luqu and Maqu.