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Yanggu set to cultivate high-quality enterprises


YANGGU, China, Mar. 12, 2024 /Xinhua-AsiaNet/–

In recent years, Yanggu County, Liaocheng, Shandong Province, has attached great importance to the cultivation of high-quality enterprises, achieving significant results through targeted services, fostering advantageous businesses, and facilitating transformation and upgrading. In 2023, a total of 41 new enterprises above designated size were added throughout the year, reaching 231 in total; 53 new provincial-level specialized, refined, distinctive, and innovative enterprises were added, totaling 96. It has successfully established national-level characteristic industrial clusters for small and medium-sized enterprises and built itself into a high-quality development hub for the private economy in Shandong Province.

Focusing on targeted services to promote growth, the county has improved its mechanism for assisting enterprises, dispatching 49 service commissioners for one-on-one on-site support. This initiative has ensured timely understanding of enterprises’ development needs, with a problem resolution rate exceeding 95%. A compilation of industry and information technology sector policies favorable to enterprises was created, facilitating targeted policy dissemination through precise distribution, promotion, and on-site delivery, thereby ensuring that enterprises fully benefit from these policies.

Focusing on cultivating advantageous enterprises, a dynamic repository of high-quality enterprises was established, promoting a surge in the number of high-quality enterprises through one-on-one precise analysis, profiling, and nurturing. In 2023, one new national-level specialized, refined, distinctive, and innovative “little giant” enterprise was added (cumulative total of three), along with six provincial-level enterprises of manufacturing single champions (cumulative total of 13), five gazelle enterprises (cumulative total of 10), and 52 provincial-level specialized, refined, distinctive, and innovative enterprises (cumulative total of 93), ranking first in the city. This has formed a development pattern led by leading enterprises and enterprises of manufacturing single champions, supported by specialized, refined, distinctive, and innovative enterprises, and followed by innovative small and medium-sized enterprises.

Focusing on promoting quality through transformation and upgrading, efforts were made to strengthen digital empowerment and accelerate the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises. In 2023, 140 new small and medium-sized enterprises embarked on digital transformation, and 12 of them were designated as national-level pilot enterprises for digital transformation, all ranking first in Liaocheng. Additionally, efforts were made to strengthen the construction of green systems and enhance the green development level of enterprises, contributing to high-quality economic development. 

Source: Information Office of People's Government of Yanggu County