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From Modis to AKKODiS: Transformation into Consulting Firm

By asianet

– End-to-end Consulting Services to Support Innovation within Organizations – Modis Ltd. (hereinafter “Modis”), a Tokyo-based technology solution provider and group company of the Adecco Group, the global leader in human resource services, will change its company name to AKKODiS Consulting Ltd. as of April 1, 2023. Accordingly, the services provided in Japan will change … Continued

Implementation of China Excellent Milk Project Attracts the Attention of World Dairy Industry

By asianet

Recently, The 7th International Symposium on Dairy Cow Nutrition and Milk Quality and The 4th China Excellent Milk Project Pasteurized Milk Development Forum organized by Institute of Animal Sciences, CAAS, Institute of Food and Nutrition Development, MARA, Dairy Association of China, American Dairy Science Association, Ministry for Primary Industries of New Zealand and Danish Veterinary … Continued

9th New Chitose Airport International Animation Festival Held from November 3 to 6

By asianet

The New Chitose Airport International Animation Festival was held at New Chitose Airport and online for four days, from November 3 (Thursday) to 6 (Sunday), 2022. Image: NEW CHITOSE 2022 Signal Film: The competition screening, which is the main event of the festival, showed 76 films selected from over 2,100 submissions. An award … Continued

Hainan’s promotional film highlighted in the “Chinese Bridge” competition

By asianet

Hainan’s promotional film “All the sun, all the fun” has attracted widespread attention during the 21st “Chinese Bridge” Chinese Proficiency Competition. Launched by the Department of Tourism, Culture, Radio, Television and Sports of Hainan Province, the promotional film added to the luster of the preliminary and final contests of the Chinese proficiency competition. It offers … Continued

Bright Food Group participated in the 5th CIIE and continued to move towards high quality development

By asianet

At the 5th China International Import Expo (CIIE), Bright Food Group once again presented its “THE SMART CHAIN global food distribution platform”. In the past five years, Bright Food Group has taken a more open stance and participated in CIIE in all aspects, fields and channels, presenting a more international, market-oriented and professional brand image … Continued

Soka Gakkai Buddhist Group Promotes Voices of Young Faith Leaders at COP27

By asianet

At the COP27 UN Climate Change Conference in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, the Soka Gakkai International (SGI) has promoted youth participation and reforestation and amplified the call for climate justice expressed by faith leaders. Alexandra Masako Goossens-Ishii, SGI representative to the UN, comments, “Although the loss and damage due to climate change is finally higher … Continued

UNIPLAT Welcoming New Member Patrick Tsang to Advisory Board: Unify Platform AG

By asianet

– With Global-minded Leader on Board, UNIPLAT Will Continue to Expand and Penetrate Worldwide Society – Unify Platform AG has announced that Patrick Tsang, Chairman of Tsangs Group, an innovation-focused global family office that bridges East and West, officially joined the advisory board of UNIPLAT, the world’s first (*) online platform specialized for researchers and … Continued

AUCNET Expanding Its Pre-owned Luxury Goods Business by Opening Overseas Branches in Europe and U.S.

By asianet

AUCNET INC. (hereinafter “AUCNET”), a Tokyo-based online auction company, will be expanding its subsidiary — AUCNET CONSUMER PRODUCTS INC. (hereinafter “ACP”) — globally, opening up two new international branches, one in Copenhagen, Denmark, and the other in Los Angeles, California, the United States, starting this November. Each branch respectively represents ACP’s presence in Europe and … Continued