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China’s high-quality development to have positive spillover effects

By asianet

China’s pursuit of high-quality development will produce notable positive spillover effects for the global economy, facilitating trade and contributing to global decarbonization efforts, according to participants at an ongoing international forum in the southern Chinese city of Guangzhou. The conference, Understanding China — Greater Bay Area Dialogue, themed “Chinese modernization and new opportunities for the … Continued

Guangzhou: Key to Understand China’s High-quality Development

By asianet

The opening ceremony of "Understanding China – GBA Dialogue" was held on April 19 with the theme of "Chinese Modernization and New Opportunities for the World", aiming to help the world gain a better understanding of China and to provide a leg-up to the high-quality development of the Guangdong province and the Greater Bay Area … Continued

Shenyang (Shenhe District) Culture and Creativity Center French Scenarios Press Conference Successfully Held in Paris

By asianet

On the morning of April 1, France local time, the Shenyang (Shenhe District) Culture and Creativity Center French Scenarios Press Conference was held at the Xinhua News Agency – Paris Oriental Center by the Shenhe District People’s Government, with guidance from the Shenyang Municipal People’s Government, and the organization by the Liaoning Center of the … Continued

2023 Zhongshan Global Investment Promotion Conferences Opened with 75-Billion-Yuan Manufacturing Projects Established

By asianet

On March 30, 2023, the opening ceremony of the 2023 Zhongshan Global Investment Promotion Conferences and the 10th Top Talent Networking was held, resulting in an intended investment of more than 184 billion yuan. More than 500 people from all over the world, including outstanding entrepreneurs, high-level talents, joined the event at the main venue … Continued

Heze Peony International Communication Forum to Be Held on April 9, Sharing the Story of Peony with the World

By asianet

The Heze Peony International Communication Forum will be held at Huimengtai of Heze on April 9, hosted by the Publicity Department of the CPC Shandong Provincial Committee and the China Foreign Language Publishing Administration. Peony is beautiful, dignified and graceful as the most typical business card of the ‘Chinese Capital of Peony’ — Heze, a … Continued

“Tiexi Day” In Germany and China-Germany (Shenyang) High-end Equipment Manufacturing Industrial Park Industry Cooperation Exchange Conference Successfully Held in Munich

By asianet

“Tiexi Day” In Germany and China-Germany (Shenyang) High-end Equipment Manufacturing Industrial Park Industry Cooperation Exchange Conference was held to great success in Munich, the capital of the state of Bavaria. Participants engaged in dialogues about industrial cooperation between China and Germany, and exchanged ideas about the future of China-Germany development. Revolving around the theme of … Continued

Shanghai’s Lujiazui now home to over 100 foreign asset management institutions

By asianet

More than 100 foreign-funded asset management institutions have now settled in Shanghai’s Lujiazui Financial City, demonstrating China’s further opening-up of its financial sector, according to the third Lujiazui Global Asset Management Summit held in Shanghai on Monday. In 2022, Lujiazui Financial City introduced 10 foreign asset management institutions or related upstream or downstream enterprises. Financial … Continued